About Us

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Our Mission

To accelerate Australia's energy transition to renewables

To take full advantage of the opportunity, Australia must rapidly accelerate its deployment of network infrastructure to support the growth in renewables. To do this at speed and scale requires overcoming six major challenges simultaneously.

Managing the dialectic of entrepreneurial vision + institutional methodology

Traditional network infrastructure operates to very high reliability standards, a low risk profile is necessary to maintain this critical function. The speed and scale of the energy transition necessitates innovation and constructively challenging the status-quo.

Applying process, systems, and disciplines to sovereign capability

Many highly successful medium and large Australian private businesses who provide the on-the-ground capability are seeking support in scaling processes, systems and disciplines to ready their businesses for institutional capital. 

Co-ordinating and leading expansive workforce resources

Skill shortages across key functional roles are increasing as the energy transition accelerates. Proven leaders are required who have deep domain expertise and a willingness to train future leaders.

Control of long-term supply chains

Australia lacks global purchasing power and  requires expertise in rapidly expanding current capability and establishing new major facilities.

Understanding technical and complex systems

Electricity networks are complex and require active risk management. Technical knowledge and experience is critical to ensure new ideas and innovations succeed. 

Engaging Government and policy development at all levels

Rapidly evolving energy policy is both a risk and an opportunity to the energy transition, effective and positive engagement is essential for long term success.

Symphony is the energy transition platform specifically designed to unlock these complex challenges

Our Capability

Symphony orchestrates on the ground expertise with institutional capital markets to accelerate the transition.

With a focus on vertically integrated execution capabilities, Symphony develops, operates, and owns critical energy network infrastructure.

Symphony accomplishes this by coordinating and scaling its portfolio of capabilities. Each serves a unique function while aligning with our singular mission: to accelerate the energy transition.

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Australia's Leading Energy Infrastructure Services Partner
Lighthouse guides a portfolio of companies with over 90 years of complex power infrastructure experience, to provide specialty services and turnkey solutions to renewable energy developers, energy utilities, and resource sector decarbonisation clients.


Specialist Electricity Network Connection Solutions Provider

Operating nationally Solas delivers independent and efficient grid connection services to renewable generators, digital infrastructure owners, energy storage providers and resource sector decarbonisation clients.

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